
Above, one of a handful of concept sketches, and some color exploration.
Below, implementation into Maya to create .objs with proper pivots and texturing, before pulling everything into the existing Unity project.

  A game prototype created for GMTK Game Jam 2020, with the theme ‘Out of Control’. Our team of three concepted a cafe game where you balance customer management with the worry that they have a different set of values than you do, and if they decide to give you some magical help, then you might not know which buttons move your feet anymore…
  I assisted with the early concepting and started in on layouts and looks, but unfortunately we lost one of our game devs due to a few days of power outage. I opted to finish the art asset package. The total work time was roughly 24 hours, spread over a week where I additionally took the time to familiarize myself with making 2D assets and animating them through Unity, as well as implementing textured 3D objects, so we could have a project file ready to go to pick it back up.
  Below is the game screen mockup, with our designer’s initial simple UI for testing.

I also included some simple sprite frame animations, so that it would be clear when the player character was cursed and each customer had personality when they threw some magic at the player.

I overlayed sprites over screenshots in order to check their visibility, making sure the customers were easily identifiable. The mushroom props vary between easy to see and a bit sneaky, and the tables are split into tileable pieces to allow for variation depending on how many would be included in the level.